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How to Create Text Ads that Attract Customers to Click?

Writing powerful business ads that drive profit is an important skill, or as some would argue, an art form that every successful marketer must be familiar with. Having in mind the word limitations of the text ads it sure isn’t easy to include everything you have and want to say to your potential customers, but you can start by defining what exactly you want to achieve with your ad and then follow these few tips and tricks on how to create an accurate, relevant and engaging ad that will attract people to click:

Make sure your ad persuades

Your goal is to convince people searching for answers to their problems and needs that your ad (and business) will provide them with a solution. The well-known AIDA marketing acronym standing for Attention-Interest-Desire-Action can help you achieve this:

- The ad’s headline is the part that attracts viewers’ attention the most. It must be intriguing and engaging, but it also must be relevant to the ad keyword and page. Instead of just putting the name of the company in the headline, it would be much more efficient if you focus on the exact keywords that triggered your ad.

-With the ad’s description lines you can capture the interest of your audience by conveying your most powerful benefit to show how your offering can help them solve their particular problem, and then turn that interest into a desire for your product or service describing the corresponding key features that differentiate you from your competition.

-At the end of your ad include a display URL that calls users to confirm their decision and take action. The landing page you choose for your advertisement should contain the exact information that those who clicked on the ad need and expect.

Deliver what your ad has promised

When the visitors click your ad the link will take them to your website, but the final conversion will greatly depend on the information they’ll find on this page they were directed to. Don’t send these potential customers to your website’s home page, but select a landing page that provides the expected content and specific answers to the problem referred to in the ad. The design of this custom landing page should be clear and the content easy to scan so you won’t confuse your visitors. Place the important information and the call to action “above the fold” so the readers won’t have to scroll down and look further.

Write the ad for your target audience

For your ad to be successful it is crucial for you to know and understand your target audience and its specifics that affect their decision to buy. The more you tailor the ad text and language to these specifics, the higher the chances for conversion from those who click your ad and land on your website. You can break this market into smaller groups around certain subject to easier organize your keywords, write ads and develop landing pages specifically for each of these target groups.

Be specific, informative and direct

The whole point of dividing the market into separate groups and tailoring your ads to their specifics is to provide exactly the information the users in these groups are searching for. Write your ads with this in mind, specify the product you offer or the city and region you cover, state your price up-front even if it isn’t quite competitive – these can all bring you visitors who convert instead of just wasting your budget.

Carefully select your ad keywords

You want your ad to be clicked by users with highest potential for buying your product or service. To deter people who are unlikely to convert choose specific long-tail keywords instead of general keywords and build your ad around them. These secondary keywords are typically entered in the form of a problem or solution and have more potential to bring only the right traffic for your ad.

Always test your ad copy and layout

To improve your click-through and conversion rates you should constantly split-test your ads by making certain changes in their text and layout and then measure and compare the results to see what works best. This continuous improvement should be an ongoing process that will also add value to your campaign, particularly because some websites give better positions on their pages to ads with high click-through rates.

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