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become a best blogger and writer in 7 very easy steps

If you don’t create it, there’s nothing to be found. And you do want to be found right?

This is a follow up from The Emergence and Explosion of Blogs, Blogging and Bloggers. The numbers don’t lie and they tell an even more compelling story for the future.

Consider these current insights about the blogosphere from Blogging.org:

Primary content marketing tool.

Major revenue producer for key online blog companies.

Key part of corporate online branding and culture.

Vehicle of self expression for anyone with a passion or niche.

Social media allows blogs and bloggers to build bridges and reach.

We’ve come a long way baby, in a short time, with the blogosphere and it will continue to be an unfolding and enduring communication activity. It’s not an option any more, it’s a best practice and a content linchpin in today’s sales, marketing and branding process. Blogging is not only for companies, but the leaders that run them and the independent bloggers who represent various content niches, products and services.

More compelling 2012 data, which should make blogging more of a commitment and priority:

60% of businesses have a blog.

77% of internet users read blogs.

61% of consumers made a purchase off a blog recommendation.

71% report better visibility.

329 million people view a blog monthly.

In working with small businesses, entrepreneurs and professional consultants, on starting, developing and upgrading their blog activities, many tell me they just don’t think they can’t do it. What they really need is a better outline, plan and process they can follow.

If you can have a conversation with someone, then you can write a blog. Blogging is a more personal take on a subject that welcomes the personality of it’s writer. That is actually why people not only like blogs, but follow the bloggers who write them.

Be a better blogger and writer with these 7 easy steps that can help you get focused, write better and deliver your blog to stand out, get noticed and be remembered more.

7 Steps to Become a Better Blogger and Writer

1. Make a Decision and a Commitment to Blog

Invest in and create a branded WordPress blogsite or add a blog page to your existing WordPress website. There are sites that offer free options, but make sure you hire a professional to customize them, so they look good. WordPress.com, Blogger.com and Wix.com all offer lot’s of templates and options to fit your style and industry.

2. Schedule Time Into Your Day and Week to Write

Part of the commitment must be to set aside time to write daily if possible, or at least 2-3 times per week if you can in the best place and time of day where you are most inspired and focused. Go to your place, muse, think and write.

3. Brainstorm Yourself

What are your 5 key areas of expertise and 10 more that compliment those key ones? Who is your target audience and who are you writing for and speaking to? What expertise can you share with them?

Start and keep a blog idea journal and notebook with you at all times. Use your daily and real life experiences to generate ideas. Here are 16 tools To help you come up with blog ideas.

4. Create an Outline for Titles and Topics Based on Your Top Content Categories

Research your topics via Google, Bing or your industry using specific keywords and always use the most current studies and research. Write a 5-7-9-12 word, branded keyword title that has some snap and alliteration to it. Develop 3-5 content bullet points for your post so it flows with a beginning, middle and end. Study the blog posts you enjoy reading and notice their outline and process.

5. Develop the Outline and Content Points

Find the heart, soul and sweet spot of the topic content, so that it fulfills the promise of the title. Develop the content of your outline with your take, knowledge and expertise. What do you want your readers to remember and get out of the post?

It’s your expertise so feature it. By following your outline, you take people through a process of thought.

6. Accessorize Your Post So That it Snaps, Pops and Engages

Using visual enhancements, great quotes and compelling statistics can increase opens and engagement by 65%. Accessorizing your blog posts with memorable titles, trending topics, videos, images, podcasts links, infographics, case studies and white papers can all add major value to the readers experience and retention.

7. Deliver, Ship, Publish and Promote

Create an integrated marketing approach using all the top delivery tactics you are currently using: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, You Tube, Pinterest, Google+, podcasting, eMarketing, video. Check out the top content marketing tactics and don’t forget to Google yourself to see how you are doing.

Practice, practice, practice. Be consistent and stay true to your point of view and your authenticity.

People are hungry for good blogs, bloggers and content and are willing to share them and promote them. If you have something to say and offer, there is an audience for it and people will find you. Build your blog fans by being consistent.

Start, continue or take it up a notch and remember to use your blog to educate, inform, inspire and yes –sell.

Where’s your favorite place to muse and write?

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