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Leap Motion is Your Answer To Gesture-based Computing for the Mac

Gesture-based computing is definitely the big thing these days and the geeks would certainly love anything that has its way without a keyword, mouse or any sort of touch control.

Leap Motion is one such product that follows on the lines of Kinect for Xbox 360 and Windows to offer a gesture-based computing solution for the Mac. It is an iPod sized small aluminium and plastic device that looks like something that just came out of an Apple factory. Unbox it, plug it to your Mac via USB and simply launch the Leap Motion software to take charge of your computer with hand gestures.


They say, "the Leap can distinguish your individual fingers and track your movements down to a 1/100th of a millimeter and the technology is 200 times more accurate than anything else on the market". Imagine controlling games, scrolling through books and web-pages, playing music/video, entertainment, movies, creating engineering models etc literally with your hands. The Leap offers so many more applications for use in daily life.

Let's not label it as a Kinect killer yet. The Leap Motion box is scheduled for shipment in winter this year and you can pre-order a box right away on their website. The Leap Motion team is in search for passionate, talented developers who can make gesture-specific apps for the Leap Motion box using the developer kit.

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