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important Online Marketing Strategies

Online marketing is now one of the most important aspects of many businesses because the Internet is used so heavily by consumers. A potential buyer’s first instinct is to go online to find the item or items that he or she is looking for. This means that online marketing can make or break your business.

Your online marketing strategy can be a massive mix of things, in the same way that your offline marketing strategy can be a complex mixture of things. Just like how your offline marketing strategy may involve posters, SMS texts and radio advertising, online marketing may involve email advertising, affiliate adverts and online referrals. Here are five simple but notoriously effective online marketing strategies.

1 – Trial and error affiliate marketing

This is a technique that takes a long time to get start creating a profit, but when it does, you will be able to apply its principles to the rest of your online marketing campaign.

All you need to do is set up a landing page on your website and an advert on an affiliate network. All you have to do is keep adjusting the advert and the landing page until you are getting a constant stream of viewers who are converting into customers.

This is not as easy as it seems, as there are a lot of variables and the trial and error takes a long time to produce any usable results. All you need to do is pick the keywords, write the advert and the landing page. It will fail to attract traffic, so you change one of the three elements. You keep doing this until one of the changes brings more traffic.

You then take your new advert, run it, check the results, and change one of the three elements (keywords, landing page, advert), until you get more traffic. Every advert that you run should offer you an idea of what works and what does not. If you learn from every advert, then you eventually evolve a very good advert that has a high traffic and conversion rate.

2 – Website funnel selling

This is a rather sophisticated technique which is going to require a lot more trial and error testing than point number one. The premise of the idea is to get a user from one page through a number of other pages onto the last page. Imagine that your funnel selling process is like getting from one location to another. You have to convince your user to get to the end location by taking one of the many routes that you offer. In your websites case, the final page on your funnel selling website is your sale confirmation page.

As a basic example, your user lands on your landing page and you offer him/her a choice of either “learning more”, “viewing product specs” or “buying the product”. The user picks one of these options and reaches the page of his/her choice. At the end of that page he/she is given three options again. Every page that is visited should remove another buying objection, up until the user simply wants to buy the product.

3 – Working for direct link traffic

This is a method where you forget about things such as the “no-follow” tags on comment sections and forums, and work towards getting links for direct traffic and not to make your website more search engine friendly. Even if your links are not indexed by the search engines, it does not mean that you will not have traffic coming from the links themselves. You can sell to this traffic and make your money.

4 – Promoting your products on Social media

This is a fairly tried and true method of online marketing. Try not to be too over promotional because it will put off your potential viewers. But, promoting your goods and services on social media is common sense. After all, it is a free platform where you can write what you want for the eyes of millions of people. So, really, you would be a fool to pass up the marketing opportunity.

5 – Paying bloggers to positively review your products

You can approach bloggers yourself and ask them if they will write a positive review of your products for a little bit of sponsorship. But, the cheapest way of doing this is to sign up to the website that hosts these sorts of networks. They pair bloggers with advertisers for a commission that they take from the writer’s fee. The great thing is that they pay the bloggers a pittance, so you do not need to pay much for your reviews.

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